Monday, March 26, 2007


of the Society for the North American Cultural Survey 1974 (Volume 1)1977 (Volume 2) These Scratch Atlases were working documents for a proposed Altas of North American Cultures.

A loose-leaf collection of xerox copies of almost 2,200 maps from books, articles, and manuscript files, they represent a survey of the scholarly literature on cultural geography circa 1977.

These atlases (which are for download both ) were individually copied and distributed to interested geographers for their personal use. The atlases were never meant to be published, cited, or deposited in libraries or bookstores.

The fruits of the Survey were eventually published as This Remarkable Continent: An Atlas of United States and Canadian Society and Cultures, John Rooney, Wilbur Zelinsky, and Dean Louder, general editors (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1982). via radicalcartography

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