They were born on opposite sides of the globe and would never had met, save for their longing of the beauty of the Moon Light Garden.
The veil of lace made by criss cross patterns of moonlight created a sort of enclosure around them. Deep into the conversation of dark hours belonging only to night blooming jasmine.. their words filled the garden with far memories.
You are "tagged" Moon. :) This means you select your favorite post of the year and tag that person. I have been tagged for another topic too. So, I am back to my blog for some further lofty blogging.
They were born on opposite sides of the globe and would never had met, save for their longing of the beauty of the Moon Light Garden.
The veil of lace made by criss cross patterns of moonlight created a sort of enclosure around them. Deep into the conversation of dark hours belonging only to night blooming jasmine.. their words filled the garden with far memories.
thanks you princess - it is truly moving my heart!
You are "tagged" Moon. :) This means you select your favorite post of the year and tag that person. I have been tagged for another topic too. So, I am back to my blog for some further lofty blogging.
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