Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Swans are Evil

The works of Corey Arnold ecos in me the deep impression i've got from the works by artist Alec Soth, not only because of this one

Corey Arnold , Swans are Evil, 2003 16 x 20 Inches C-print

via easydreamer


Anonymous said...

Totally unrelated comment: I don't know if you saw this already but it seemed very Moon River-ish.(And sorry for posting in comments; I didn't know where else to send it.)


Remembered Spaces
July 17, 2007

A couple of weeks ago, the Korean market on the corner closed. It wasn’t an especially sudden thing. There was a month of destocking — or un-restocking — that filled the store with the strange feeling of accumulating absence. Then there was a brief sale — half-off anything left — and finally darkness.

I walked past the store again last night. A window had been broken and taped over, and a woman leaned against the dark storefront and asked for spare change. I had never realized how much light that store cast upon the neighborhood, how much briskness it gave its sidewalk frontage.

When the market closed, I found myself thinking, “Now what do I do with this?”

“This” was my mental map of the place. I know just where the seltzer is in a store that no longer exists. I can walk straight to the dried pineapple, but only in the past. Some part of me had quietly made an inventory of the necessities — the analgesics and toothbrushes and small shampoos — that had migrated to the front counter, which was a drugstore in itself. There are other places to buy all these things, and not far away. But there is still a perfectly good Korean market in my head.

We carry with us these footprints of vanished places: apartments we moved out of years ago, dry cleaners that went out of business, restaurants that stopped serving, neighborhoods where only the street names remain the same. This is the long-gone geography of New York. I look up at the buildings and try to imagine all the lives that have passed through them.

I’d might as well be looking at the people on the street and imagining all the buildings that have passed through them — places we knew almost by intuition until they vanished, leaving behind only the strange sense of knowing our way around a world that can no longer be found.

Moon River said...

Thanks Abraham,
I remember reading this text before, and have a vague memory of it being much longer:)
and you guest right, it's of an interest for me: all these
"lost geographies"....

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