Saturday, July 26, 2008

'Carta d'Agua (Rain Map)'

Rain Maps (2008)by Rivane Neuenschwander is a series of fourteen equally sized maps that were exposed to the torrential downpours of Brazil’s rainy season. The weather system has left its mark on the surface of the paper, diluting inks, smudging boundaries and dissolving landmasses to create unique and uncharted terrain. The remains of the map are put back in place, before a deluge of painted colour sweeps in and floods the rivers and valleys on the damaged surface.

'Carta d'Agua (Rain Map)' - Rivane Neuenschwander, 2007Acrylic paint and rain drops on road maps, 36 x 36cm

'Carta d'Agua (Rain Map)' - Rivane Neuenschwander, 2007Acrylic paint and rain drops on road maps, 36 x 36cm

Rivane Neuenschwander. 'Carta d'Agua (Rain Map)' , 2007 Acrylic paint and rain drops on road maps, 36 x 36cm