Monday, September 14, 2009

Turkish Delight

Anne Polashenski's work incorporates textile patterns and photographs of figures in patterned clothing. The painted and collaged patterns act as a form of camouflage to hide and protect the body.

Anne Polashenski, Turkish Delight: Serenk Obliteration, 2008, 18 x 15 inches, C-print and gouache on paper (detail)

Turkish Delight: Çintamani Obliteration, 2008, 16 x 16 inches, C-print and gouache on paper via


Ania Wawrzkowicz said...

Beautiful images! I work with similar idea in the nature so this is very interesting for me.

Really nice blog, love your selection of art.

Best wishes!


India Pharmacy said...

wow amazing pictures, they are like in 3D with the model perfectly hidden with the same colors, fact that makes it very impressive and now that I think, these are like stereograms