Saturday, November 13, 2010

sculptural ambiguity

Raphael Danke

Raphael Danke Untitled 2009, : 16,6 x 19 cm, collage


Bart Treuren said...

Love this, got me vaguely thinking of rainbows here...

Moon River said...

interesting remark, when i'm thinking on it, i'm in a certain integrative mood of rainbows, rainbows color, rainbows mood

Bart Treuren said...

Rainbows fascinate me, their elusiveness and fragility but also their extraordinary beauty, the way the colours are infused into our lives and our bodies.

Moon River said...

Hi Bart
i see you are interested by fractals, they also an extraordinary beauty and structures that are utterly adjective.
i loved the idea (and what it made me feel) of you seeing colors infused into our body !

Bart Treuren said...

My sense is that colours represent energies and vibrations which resonate throughout the universe, which are part of the world around and therefore of our bodies too. Fractals are also a way of describing our world, but through different "glasses", and in the same way they also apply to our lives too since the principles behind them are part of the basic structure of the universe itself.

Moon River said...

have you seen the "how to make a rainbow" art piece?
if not
do have a look
i love it

and then watch something else of the most beautiful sceneries nature can show us

Bart Treuren said...

Thank you for sharing these, they were a really wonderful way to end my day. Good night ;-)

Moon River said...

good night bart :)